Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reflections on technology and student advancement

I have to be honest. I know so little about what is out there. In my limited scope, I have found the ability to download information from my computer to my projector a very good tool. Of course, the smart boards are great... I always hated losing good classroom discussion from one period to the next. Now there are podcasts... you can create lessons for your students to study or review. They can create their own podcasts as well. I'm not so sure about Twitter or Facebook, but that's probably because I find Facebook confusing and well... I don't own a cell phone... (can I share that fact in a tech class without the risk of censure and condemnation of my peers?)... so Twitter is out. I like the idea of a blog site for communication. Isn't there also a pencil-like tool that students can use for reading? An interactive pen.

Here is a site for Brightlink which can make nearly every wall interactive without having to have a smart board:

The stuff seems to change so rapidly we poor old digital immigrants never seem to be able to keep up.

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